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About me

The scribbler of critters and glyphs...

Thanks for checking in, I'd like to take the opportunity to introduce myself! My name is Niklas and I'm a freelance/hobby illustrator and artist living in the Stockholm, Sweden, area. I'm the owner of RookieToon Studios and I'm sort of a nerd. (Yeah, I'm the guy to the left)

When it comes to art I'm working with a wide range of media, from acrylic paint to digital vector illustration and almost everything in between.

My style usually differs from project to project but when I just draw or paint for myself, I often tend to end up in the land of cartoons and comics. I like that land. Comics, cartoons and graffiti are all deep wells of inspiration for me, as well as pop cultural genres such as sci-fi and fantasy. But above all this, the one spice to rule them all, is Comedy. I hope - and believe - that this shows in my art, whatever the subject may be.

The Backstory

I’ve been drawing for practically my entire life. When I was a kid I spent many evenings trying to copy the characters of Don Martin in MAD. My teachers had to wrap my school desk with paper because I was doodling on it all the time. When I got a bit older I played around with graffiti and in my twenties I tried to learn basic anatomy and some manga style drawing. I was never that good at it, though.

Some years ago I read about a local politician that had been telling media one thing but doing the exact opposite. I made a cartoon in response to this hypocrisy and put it on social media which triggered something in me. Using free software I created a profile picture and a family picture.

In the decade leading up to that point I had hardly touched a pencil. I still couldn't really draw. Even though I enjoyed the occasional doodle I couldn’t draw a straight line, let alone a freaking circle. My artistic life was limited to graphical user interfaces and the occasional application icon. But after that day I asked myself some questions.

What if I could learn to draw good enough to make the world a happier place? What would it take? How do I go about to find a way to at least fake some sort of skill in this area? Is Comic Sans wrong in all situations? ;-)

Another big question I asked myself was:

Q: "Drawing is a huge area, what area in drawing do I want to explore?"

A: I've always liked cartoons and comics, so maybe this was going to be my focus. Besides me being a fan of cartoons, it really is a good way to express yourself if you want to make a point. You can have a character that expresses your feelings, in that way you, as an artist, can keep a bit of a distance to what you, or rather the character says. Plus you can mix text and graphics and that is a great advantage when expressing opinions or just telling a good joke.

I reckoned I couldn't be the only one that nursed the ambition to be able to graphically express myself. So, I did set up a blog to share my thoughts and the answers I came up with when researching. I didn’t know if it would end up a tutorial on how to succeed or an orgy in failures. I thought, probably something in between.

The blog itself lived for about a year before it fell into oblivion but my interest for creating visual brain farts had been awaken and I could actually call it a hobby. Since then I've been drawing, more or less, every day and I've studied a plethora of aspects of illustration, cartooning, design, painting and animation. I've been doing freelance work like logotypes, album covers, beer labels, posters and t-shirts to name a few.

Today, I’m a forty-something (born -76) year old husband and father of two who lives in the suburbs of Stockholm, Sweden. During office hours I work as a integration architect/system developer at a consultant company that I co-own. My past time is mainly spent with my family when I'm not crouched over a sketchbook or tablet with a pen in my hand...


The hard, undeniable numbers...



Video Games

Current focus

Acrylic painting

As long as I'm not involved in a project for a client, my focus tends to shift almost from day to day. But in the last couple months I've been trying to explore the acrylic medium and doing some "traditional" painting. I really enjoy mixing colors and putting brushes to canvas, it feels so real!

Acrylic painting brings along quite some challenges to me. First, and most obvious, technique. How to blend colors? How to keep colors from blending? How to get nice, clean lines? What brushes to use when? And so on, and so forth...

Another big challenge (and opportunity) to me is that it seems like very few people with a cartoon and graffiti based style are into acrylics so the access to tutorials and such are quite limited. But, challenges exist to be overcome, so at the moment I'm trying to combine acrylic paint with my go to subject: cartoony nonsense and strange humor.